Saturday 28 September 2013

How to remove last name from Facebook account?

             We all know that Facebook is one of the leading socila networking sites in the world. Well fb has its pros and cons, one particular drawback that fb has is the fact that it doesn't allow any account withoout a last name. You need a first name and a last name to get your account validated. However using the technique that is shown here, one can easily have a fb account without a last name. FB users in Indonesia have the privilage to have a facebook account without a last name. Thus by using an Indonesian Proxy we can easily remove our last name. By following the steps given below one can have a facebook account without a last name.

Friday 27 September 2013

Francesco Totti - The Legend of Rome

The term loyalty has become obscure in the world of football these days. When we have players like Anelka, Ibrahimovic and Schuster as examples for dis-loyalty on one hand, we have clubs like Juventus